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This article is about the 2008 game by Maxis. For the 1987 game for the Commodore 64 and ZX Spectrum, see Spore (1987 video game). For the 1991 game for the MS-DOS, see Spore (1991 video game).

Spore is a 2008 life simulation real-time strategy God game developed by Maxis and published by Electronic Arts for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. Designed by Will Wright, it covers many gres including action, real-time strategy, and role-playing games. Spore allows a player to control the developmt of a species from its beginnings as a microscopic organism, through developmt as an intelligt and social creature, to interstellar exploration as a spacefaring culture. It has drawn wide atttion for its massive scope, and its use of op-ded gameplay and procedural geration. Throughout each stage, players are able to use various creators to produce contt for their games. These are th automatically uploaded to the online Sporepedia and are accessible by other players for download.

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Spore was released after several delays to gerally favorable reviews. Praise was giv for the fact that the game allowed players to create customized creatures, vehicles, and buildings. However, Spore was criticized for its gameplay which was se as shallow by many reviewers; GameSpot remarked: "Individual gameplay elemts are extremely simple". Controversy surrounded Spore due to the inclusion of SecuROM, and its digital rights managemt software, which can pottially op the user's computer to security risks.

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Spore allows the player to develop a species from a microscopic organism to its evolution into a complex creature, its emergce as a social, intelligt being, to its mastery of the planet, and th finally to its ascsion into space, where it interacts with ali species across the galaxy. Throughout the game, the player's perspective and species change dramatically.

The game is brok up into distinct "stages". The outcome of one phase affects the initial conditions and leveling facing the player in the next. Each phase exhibits a distinct style of play, and has be described by the developers as t times more complicated than its preceding phase.

Phases oft feature optional missions; wh the player completes a mission, they are granted a bonus, such as a new ability or money. If all of a player's creations are eliminated at some point, the species will respawn at its nearest colony or the beginning of the phase.

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Spore has a primary win condition, which is obtained by reaching a supermassive black hole placed at the cter of the galaxy and receiving a "Staff of Life". However, the player may continue to play after any goal has be achieved.

The first four phases of the game, if the player uses the editors only minimally, will take up to 15 hours to complete, but can take as little as one or two hours.

Note that there is no time limit for any stage: the player may stay in a single stage as long as they wish, and progress to the next stage wh ready. At the d of each phase, the player's actions cause their creature to be assigned a characteristic, or consequce trait. Each phase has three consequce traits, usually based on how aggressively or peacefully the phase was played. Characteristics determine how the creature will start the next phase and give it abilities that can be used later in the game.

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Spore is a game that is separated into stages, each stage presting a differt type of experice with differt goals to achieve. The five stages are the Cell Stage, the Creature Stage, the Tribal Stage, the Civilization Stage, and the Space Stage. Once the primary objective is completed, the player has the option to advance to the next stage, or continue playing the currt stage.

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A screshot of a near-final prototype cell stage. The large creatures in the background are drawn into the foreground as the player's organism evolves.

The Cell Stage (sometimes referred to as the tide pool, cellular, or microbial stage) is the very first stage in the game, and begins with a cinematic explanation of how the player's cell got onto the planet through the scitific concept of panspermia, with a meteor crashing into the ocean of a planet and breaking apart, revealing a single-celled organism. The player guides this simple microbe around in a 3D vironmt on a single 2D plane, reminisct of Flow, where it must deal with fluid dynamics and predators, while eating meat chunks or plants. The player may choose whether the creature is a herbivore or a carnivore prior to starting the stage.

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The player can find "meteor bits" (appartly from the aforemtioned panspermic meteor) or kill other cells to find parts that upgrade their creature by adding abilities such as electricity, poison or other parts. Once the microbe has found a part, the player can call a mate to ter the editor, in which they can modify the shape, abilities and appearance of the microbe by spding "DNA points" earned by eating meat chunks or plants in the stage.

The cell's eating habits in the Cell Stage directly influce its diet in the Creature Stage, and only mouths appropriate to the diet (Herbivore, Carnivore, or Omnivore) established in the Cell Stage will become available in the Creature Stage. Once the creature grows a brain and the player decides to progress to the next stage, the creature editor appears, prompting the user to add legs before the shift to land. The Creature editor differs in that it gives the player the ability to make major changes to the creature's body shape and lgth, and place parts in three-dimsional space instead of a top-down view as in the Cell editor.

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In the Creature Stage, the player creates their own land creature intded to live on a single contint. If the player attempts to swim to another island, an unidtified monster eats the player, and the player is warned not to come again. The biosphere contains a variety of animal species which carnivorous and omnivorous creatures can hunt for food, and fruit-bearing plants intded for herbivores and omnivores. The player creature's Hunger becomes a measured stat as well as its Health in this stage; depletion of the Hunger meter results in Health depletion and evtual death of the player creature unless food is eat.

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In the Creature Stage, the player has a home nest where members of their own species are located. The nest is where the player respawns following death, and acts as a recovery point for lost HP. Other species' nests are spread throughout the contint. While interacting with them, the player can choose to be social or aggressive; how the player interacts with other creatures will affect their opinion of the player's species. For instance, by mimicking their social behaviors (singing, dancing etc.), NPC creatures will evtually consider the player an ally, but if the player harms members of their species, they will flee or become aggressive upon sighting them. The player can heal in allied nests and add allied creatures to their packs. Epic creatures, which are rare, aggressive creatures more than twty times the player's height, feature promintly in the Creature Stage. The player cannot use social interactions with an Epic creature. There are also Rogue creatures which may be befrided or attacked. Additionally, spaceships may appear in this stage and abduct a creature.

Progress in the Creature Stage is determined by the player's decisions on whether to befrid or attack other species. These decisions will affect the abilities of the player's species in subsequt stages of the game. Successful socialization and hunting attempts will give DNA Points, which may be spt on many new body parts. The player will also be rewarded with multiple DNA points for allying with or causing the extinction of a species. Placing new parts in the Creature editor comes at the expse of DNA points; more expsive parts will further upgrade the player creature's abilities for either method of interaction, as well as secondary abilities such as flight, speed or boosted health. After the player is finished editing, a newly evolved geration of creatures will be prest in the home nest as the player's creature hatches. As the player's creature befrids or hunts more creatures, its intelligce and size increases until it can form a tribe.

After the brain of the player's species evolves sufficitly, the species may ter the Tribal Stage. The species' design becomes permant, and the player sheds control of an individual creature in favor of the tire tribe group, as the game focuses on the birth of division of labor for the species.

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As well as two of six possible Consequce Abilities, unlocked depding on the species' behavior in the previous phases. This is only possible if the player played the previous stages; if the player started directly from the Galaxy Scre, they are locked.

Gameplay during this stage is styled as an RTS. Rather than controlling one creature, the player now controls an tire tribe and can give them commands such as gathering food, attacking other tribes or simply moving to a certain location. The player may give the tribe


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